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Tracy Haines


Way above the valley,

On a cold and slippery climb

I set out with my sketchbook

In search of views divine.

Snowy, steep and city too,

I wondered often if I should turn my shoe.

But every switch of trail,

Each rocky hill I topped,

Rewarded me with scenes so fair the trail beckoned me to stop. When twice I slipped and once I fell

My countenance dip droop.

I remember then the mountain lions and thought I saw bear poop. By now well in an all alone and scared out of my mind,

I did no longer care to sketch,

I wanted home, a warm fire and wine.

Now safely back, thawed out and fine

From my studio I’ll paint the divine.


Now back to winter in all of its glory

Pleases the soul using paint to tell story

Each season its beauty as in life so in art

The struggle is worth it cold fingers warm heart


Nearly frozen creek

How sweet the silent sound

of swiftly moving water

stilled by icy ground


This creek upon a walk I saw Through which a bit of snow did thaw Down to the little spot I sat

And pondered how I might paint that


Today I trode a mile in snow Searching for that light, you know? At last upon a scene I chanced

It caught my breath

I laughed, I danced


Thick and juicy strokes that say

Let us give thanks to God this day For beauty of this life and earth Words fail brush speaks

Yes, words a dearth!


Those who live

in Colorado know

The beauty of willows

amidst fresh fallen snow

Warm against cool,

Here color, there gray

These things make a painting

Think I’ll paint one today


Atop these subtle Colors

easy rests the eye

Greys pave the way a backdrop

for the brilliant saturated sky


Easy come easy go

so swiftly so transient

the falling snow.

On jagged rock and fallen tree

It comes to rest so tenderly

Through here in Colorado

Simply count to 10

So soon the sun comes out

So soon the snow gets thing


I fall short

of words to say

That give justice to the beauty of day so instead

I shut my mouth

I pick up brush

Paint facing south


I tried thrice

to make this painting nice

In frustration threw brush down

(On my face an ugly frown)

Re-energized I picked up pen Decided I’d try to write again Eventually though I did succeed

In bringing this painting up to speed


Hick Dick doc

I wish I had a Clock

I painted till 10

And burnt the Hen

The fam had to eat ham hock


I’d like to paint the land at night Can’t see my paint, so little light From memory perhaps I could

But after 50 no more so good


Crisp yet warm winter

Patterned snow meets grassy knoll Painters pepper land


Dusk is but fleeting

The colors ephemeral

Elusive you’d say?

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