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Artist's Perspective With Lexie Penney; Mixed Media Artist

PM Megazine Meets Lexie Penny


PM MEGAzine got the opportunity to sit down with the innovative mixed media artist, Lexie Penny. Surrounded by paints, canvases and some other surprising supplies, we learned about Penny's process and what keeps her painting.

Penny hails fresh from Wichita, Kansas. As a newcomer to Colorado, she describes art as a form of self healing and stress release, sometimes physically throwing paint on her canvases to release pent up emotions. Penny gets lost in her art, without a set beginning or end. When asked about her process she says, "It just comes out. I start with a blank canvas and add a little here and a bit there. I like to move with it and watch it flow."

Penny doesn't always jump right into her work though. She has a premeditation process where she "visualizes the different paints and lines and shapes" and she incorporates these visualizations into her paintings.

Similar to a scientist, she mixes different products with the paint to develop new movement and texture. When asked about her favorite medium, she says, "It's a brand called Pebeo. It's extremely flammable. Lighting it on fire on the canvas is one of my favorite techniques. It causes the paint to bubble and create a cell looking structure." Penny also uses epoxy resin, mixing it with acrylic paint to give her paintings a liquidy look.

The most surprising of products used in her paintings would have to be the silicone spray which is used in a number of different ways on cars. But she incorporates it into her pieces. Penny mixes the diluted silicone spray with some watered down acrylic paint. She says of this technique that "some chemical reaction is caused between the acrylic paint and the silicone that causes a bubbly cell effect and gives the piece a lot of depth."

Penny tries to work on her art every day to express whatever emotions she has. She views it as a spiritual interaction as she blends meditation and art and sometimes crystals as she incorporates the patterns form the stones. Of her work, she says, "as the paint is overflowing and changing and evolving, so are we, as people. Some things flow together weird and get messy but it always seems to work out in the end."

We could not be more excited about sharing Lexie Penny’s art, inspirations and process with you.

Our mission is to create a safe, open and passionate space for artists from all walks of life to submit work and see it published in print and digital space. We encourage all artists, from a poet to a painter, from a musician to a makeup artist, to submit to PM MEGAzine and share their talents and passion with the world.

Stay wild.


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